It has been many moons since last I communicated via these pages.
I have simply been busy relocating from one continent and setting up a new home in another. I can tell you that it was not easy to say goodbye to the beloved Afrika, the craddle of human evolution and my ancestral home.
It is also challenging planting my roots in the world's largest economy, the United States. I had to find a home, get a car and learn the ways of life in this corner of the world. On top of that, I am still trying to quickly learn my way around the city where I live and the one where I work -- there is simply no rest for the weary.
But it is all good. I am back to doing what I enjoy the most -- working as a journalist.
Before I left Afrika, I travelled deep into a remote corner of Kenya where I encountered an adventurer who has been pursuing some of the most precious stones in the continent, including Tsavorite, Ruby and others. I will tell you more about that trip in my next posting ...